A guide on asthma in children (Asthma and children)

A guide on asthma in children (Asthma and children)

to school every detail about their asthma child. Remember that tobacco smoke may worsen asthma. Parents should not smokers smoking near babies and children (and not allow other smokers to).In addition to trigger asthma attacks in some children, the smoke of the cigarette may also increase the risk.

A guide on asthma in children ! Asthma and children
As in other Western countries, in Australia the number of asthmatic children has increased. With an average of one in four children and one in every seven adolescents with the disorder, more parents have Now to face the fact that the children be an asthmatic.
It may be worrying for parents when the diagnosis is done and may be afraid that the child will never Tuesday a normal life, not knowing how to control and face an asthma attack.

One of the best ways to control the asthma, according with the "Asthma NSW," an organization that provides education and support for asthmatics and their families, is inform - is as much as possible about the disorder and how control over it. Here are some good advice of that organization on how to recognize the symptoms of asthma, and how to proceed when the diagnosis is made.
Signs that indicate the existence of asthma. People those suffering from asthma have sensitive airways. When exposed to certain factors of triggers such as colds and flu, changes of time, exercise, smoking of cigarettes,coat of dust mites or animals, for example, inland Respiratory narrow, making it difficult to breath. Although the best known symptom is the noise characteristic of asthma the breath, other signs may include coughing that increases the night or after excercĂ­cio physical, constriction of the chest or difficulty breathing. If a child cough during the night, either regularly or when constipada is to consult the doctor.

What if the doctor diagnose asthma? Treatment for asthma is always to improve, and children with asthma can lead a normal life, since the disorder is controlled.
Controlling the asthma in children. Asthma can control up well with medication and avoiding the factors of triggers the attacks. The medication includes preventive medicines administered daily to reduce the sensitivity of airways, and for other relief that facilitate breathing when a child has the symptoms characteristic. The Council Asthma NSW the organization is to find a doctor who has special interest in asthma - friends or professionals of local health, as pharmacists and staff of community health centers can experience a doctor in your area. Request information on the best way to treat the asthma at home, which should include medication needed to control asthma, how to recognise the signs that asthma is getting worse, and what to do in case of attack. If the child to stay with asthma after making exercise, ask your doctor to explain how proceed. Do not be afraid to ask questions (if facilitates write a list of questions they want).

Mark a prolonged consultation if you want to do many questions.
Make sure the school is prepared to children asthmatic. Many schools are prepared to deal with asthmatic children. But not accepted this as a fact sure. The questions you should do in school are as follows:
staff has been trained to treat an asthma attack? A school maintains a register of students with asthma, including
details of medication needed? There is a case first-aid to asthma, with specific medication for an emergency? Also be sure.

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