Colorectal cancer is cancer that originates in the colon or rectum. In Singapore, it is the most common cancer type overall. However, the death rate from colorectal cancer has declined over the past 15 years due to improved screening methods and advances in treatment. This is because early detection and removal of intestinal polyps may help prevent colorectal cancer.

Common Signs and Symptoms:
* Blood in the stool is a common sign of the disease. Blood may be bright red or dark in colour, and may not be noticeable.
* Abdominal discomfort such as pain, bloating, cramping, feeling of fullness.
* Change in bowel habits.
* Constipation or diarrhoea.
* Narrow stools.
* Nausea and vomiting.
* Weight loss.

Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer

Screening is recommended beginning at age 50 and includes investigation of stool and colonoscopy. Biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. When colorectal cancer is suspected, laboratory tests such as urinalysis, blood tests, and other imaging tests such as chest X ray and CT scans are performed to further confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment Options

Surgery is the treatment of choice for colorectal cancer. Treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the overall health of the patient. Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy is often used as adjuvant treatment (i.e. in addition to surgery).

Follow-up care is recommended for colorectal cancer patients to ensure that recurrent or advanced disease is detected as soon as possible. Patients should undergo regular physical examinations, Faecal occult blood tests, Colonoscopies, CT scans, and Chest x-rays.

Read more about Chemotherapy >>

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