Abaout Breast cancer

Breast cancer is now second leading cause of cancer deaths in women today (after lung cancer) and is the most common cancer among women. It is the most frequent cancer among females and there is a clear increase in incidence over time.
The curability of the cancer depends on its stage at initial presentation, and the earlier it presents, the more easily curable it is. Therefore, increasing the awareness of the public and increasing the participation of healthy women in screening programs will help to combat this potentially deadly disease.

Common Signs and Symptoms:
* A painless breast lump or a lump in the armpit.
* Bleeding or discharge from the nipple.
* A change in the colour or feel of the skin of the breast or nipple, for example dimpling or puckering, or a rash.
* A change in the size or shape of the breast.

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Screening for breast cancer is now quite established. Current recommendations by various organizations include the following:
* Self breast examination every month - you can be taught how to do this by your general practitioner or any physician.
* A clinical breast examination by a medical practitioner every 4 months.
* Regular mammography with or without a breast ultrasound beginning at age 40-50. This should be performed yearly if you are over the age of 50. If you are younger than 50, you should have yearly examinations if there is a family history of breast cancer, and this should commence 5-10 years before the earliest case of cancer in the family.

If a suspicious lesion is found on examination, the doctor may proceed to perform a biopsy (removal of a tissue sample for examination under a microscope) either using a needle to remove some cells from the lump, or the doctor may need to perform a small operation to remove part of or the entire lump for further histological tests.

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