Treatment Options breast cancer

Treatment Options breast cancer

The treatment of choice for early stage disease is curative surgery. This can take the form of either mastectomy which is removal of the whole breast, or breast conservation surgery when only part of the breast is removed. The decision is often taken based on the size of the tumour, the size of the breasts and the patient's preference. The lymph nodes in the armpit are also removed for examination. Current trends are moving in the direction of breast conservation surgery, and even in women post mastectomy there is an increasing demand for breast reconstructive surgery which can produce a good overall cosmetic effect.

Additional treatment post surgery may include Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. There are now several targeted therapies which are showing promising responses in advanced breast cancer patients: Herceptin, Avastin. These drugs have the potential to revolutionize therapy as they are not chemotherapy drugs, and therefore have hardly any toxicity. However, chemotherapy drugs are still used either before or in conjunction with these new targeted therapies.

Radiotherapy is the use of high energy X-rays to kill cancer cells and stop them from growing. It is used primarily to reduce the chance of the tumour growing again in the area of the initial operation.

Chemotherapy is the administration of drugs to kill cancer cells, and is a systemic therapy where the drugs enter the body either by mouth or by injection, and travel though the body. Chemotherapy has been proven to reduce the incidence of cancer spread to other parts of the body, thereby increasing survival and prolonging life.

Read more about Chemotherapy >>

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